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#Action #Adventure #Animation #Comedy #Crime #Drama #Family #Fantasy #History #Horror #Mystery #Romance #Sci-Fi #Thriller #War #Western

Screenplay Cover Image for Dumb F-cking Animals (WIP)>
Category: Short
Logline: They may be cute, but they ain't cuddly.
Screenplay Cover Image for Dumb F-cking Animals (WIP)>
Category: Short
Logline: They may be cute, but they ain't cuddly.
Screenplay Cover Image for Dumb F-cking Animals>
Category: Feature
Logline: They may be cute, but they ain't cuddly.
Screenplay Cover Image for Simon>
Category: Short
Logline: A closeted bisexual man struggles with living an honest, married life. Based on true events.
Screenplay Cover Image for Simon>
Category: Short
Logline: A closeted bisexual man struggles with living an honest, married life. Based on true events.
Screenplay Cover Image for Lovely By Design>
Category: Feature
Logline: Live-action, animated sexually-charged dramedy depicting a relationship between an angry young man and an anime character that came to life.
Screenplay Cover Image for Love, Sex, & Robots>
Category: Short
Logline: After attending a bachelor party with a sex bot, a married man decides to purchase one for himself. Unknowingly doing it just days before the inevitable robot uprising.
Screenplay Cover Image for In Constant Replay>
Category: Short
Logline: A middle age woman tries to save her marriage and reconnect with her roots and dysfunctional family all for the sake of fulfilling her dream of becoming a mother.
Screenplay Cover Image for HO HO HO>
Category: Feature
Logline: When Krampus stirs up a Holiday toxic spill that unleashes a massive crime wave on the Las Vegas strip, an aloof dominatrix, with the help of Santa, opens her heart and uses her controlling skills and some clients to firmly handle the situation and save Christmas.
Screenplay Cover Image for HO HO HO>
Category: Feature
Logline: When Krampus stirs up a Holiday toxic spill that unleashes a massive crime wave on the Las Vegas strip, an aloof dominatrix, with the help of Santa, opens her heart and uses her controlling skills and some clients to firmly handle the situation and save Christmas.
Screenplay Cover Image for SHOCKED TO DEATH>
Category: Short
Logline: After discovering an insane asylum psychiatrist is administering electro-shock treatments to patients for sexual gratification, an idealistic social worker puts her job and life on the line to stop him before her beloved patients are shocked to death.